Afton Trail Run 25KM & 50KM | Sat July 6th, 2013
50KM 6:30AM | 25KM 7:30AM
Afton State Park, Minnesota |
Do not reply to this email, please email questions HERE
You can visit the official Afton Trail Run Race website HERE
Welcome Runners!
Happy 4th of July Holiday! The 2013 / 20th Annual Afton Trail Run 25KM and 50KM races are upon us, are you ready for the heat and the hills? The draw and reach of the Afton Trail Run continues to grow year after year and once again this year we sold out the field, reaching our limit of 600 runners (approximately 400 in the 25KM and 200 in the 50KM). Runners will be coming from 22 states and 3 countries. Below are some important reminders about the race – if after completely reviewing the information in this email along with the information on the Afton Trail Run Website, Blog and Facebook pages, you find you still have questions – please feel to drop us a line (do not reply to this email, please direct all emails HERE and we will do our best to answer your questions). We are looking forward to seeing you all on race day and are looking forward to another successful Afton Trail Run!Sincerely,
John Storkamp – Race Director
& The Entire Afton Trail Run TEAM |


Everything you need to know regarding the race can be found on our website, use the links below to find complete details about each race distance along with course maps, elevation profiles, directions to the race and more. Should you still have questions after completely reviewing this info., please feel free to contact us!



The trails at Afton State Park are in great shape, even with a wetter than normal Spring and Summer, the trails are dry and runnable. A lot of volunteer hours went into getting the trails ready for this years race along with plenty of labor from the State Park, the Conservation Corps and other organizations efforts. Don’t be surprised by a very minor re-route near the top of the first climb in the race as the State Park has cut in a new trail and re-routed the trail (this will be clearly marked and you may not even notice.)As always, proceeds from the race will be donated to a special fund at Afton State Park – expenditures made in colaboration with the Afton Trail Run make overall improvements at the park, many of which directly affect and benefit trail running at Afton State Park! |



Race numbers have been assigned and a list of names with assigned numbers can be found HERE – those that met the deadline will have their name custom printed on their race number. Please know your race number at packet pickup, this will help speed the process and keep lines short. 50KM Runners, please use this information for marking your drop bags and share your race number with friends and family so they can track you – if someone asks about “Bill” we may not know, but if someone asks for #125, we will more than likely have some info. Race numbers are assigned in groups and each race bib has a different color scheme – this helps to differentiate runners participating in different distances. Your number must be worn on your front and be visible at all times so other runners and the race organization can identify you – examples of and more information regarding race numbers can be found HERE. We will be using chip timing for this years race – you will be issued a chip on a non-abrasive Velcro bracelet that you must wear on your ankle (either ankle is fine). Be sure to go over any timing mats that are on the ground and never around them. Make sure that we get your chip at the end of the race, if you don’t get your chip back to us we will send you a bill for it ($30.00)



- Be familiar with all of the info on the website, it is your responsibility as a runner to know this info.
- Arrive well in advance of the start time of your race – check in closes 1/2 hour prior to the start of each distance. Please know your race number when you check-in – you can find it HERE.
- Make sure you have what you need. You will get hungry and thirsty – the aid stations have a lot of stuff, but if there is something special you need or if there is an item that will make or break your race, be sure you have your own stock of it as aid stations can run out of specific food items.
- CARRY A WATER BOTTLE OR HYDRATION PACK – Afton is historically a very hot weather race and 99% of the experienced runners at this race carry a water bottle or hydration pack, there are many reasons for this that by the time you reach the start line of this challenging race you should already understand… carry water.
- 50KM runners can leave their drop-bags themselves at Aid Station 6 which is adjacent to the Start / Finish area – a map detailing this area can be found HERE.
- CUTOFFS: 50KM only – runners must be through 25KM by 10:30AM / 4 hours elapsed time and have finished by 3:30 (9 hour time limit).
- VERY IMPORTANT: If you DNF, you must notify a race official immediately and turn in your timing chip – failure to do so will result in a ban from future races.



- We will have posters, beanies, stickers & previous years shirts available for sale at the race – bring some cash and get some really cool stuff! Cash or check only please.
- The Afton 25KM will once again host the USATF-MN Trail Championship Race! USATF Minnesota Association members are eligible to compete for $1000.00 in combined prize money and the USATF Minnesota Trail Champion title for both men and women in both the open and masters division. You can learn more about the USATF Minnesota Trail Championship HERE.
- VOLUNTEERS – please be sure to thank them, most of them are runners just like you, they are donating their time so you can participate in this race, consider returning the favor at a future race!
- SPONSORS – we lucky to have many. Their financial support help to make this race possible, please support our sponsors!
- Post race meal – We will have Burgers and snacks (provided by RJ’s Tavern – Hastings, MN) for runners only after you finish – please stick around and enjoy the day!
- You have trained hard, tapered well and are ready for a great day at Afton State Park. We appreciate your continued support – we strive to make the Afton Trail Run one of the premier ultramarathon and trail races in the country – should you have any questions, comments, concerns, complaints or compliments, we welcome them.

The Afton Trail Run 25KM and 50KM is a Rocksteady Running Event
Rocksteady Running is operated by ultrarunners for ultrarunners
You can learn more about the Rocksteady Running philosophy HERE.
Run Wild | Be Free | Rocksteady |