Please review all of the information provided for the job(s) that you have been assigned to. We also ask that you review rest of the general information on the website so you can be the best resource possible for participants, spectators and your fellow volunteers. The list of volunteer assignments can be found HERE
Aid Station 1 / 2
Start: 5:30 AM, Aid Station Setup by: 6:15 AM, First-Runners: 6:50 AM, Finish: 1:00 PM
Important: Note that the aid station open and close times listed below are projections based on current course record times. Allow enough time to walk into the aid station and get fully set up before the first runner(s) arrive.
Google Maps driving directions to Aid Station 1/2 parking:
Take 70th Street to the intersection where you can either enter the state park or go into Afton Alps Ski area. Follow the road into Afton Alps and down the long hill into the ski area. Once at the bottom of the hill park in the spots directly in front of the first ski hill. Look for the spur trail into Afton State Park. Once you reach the end of the spur trail, take a right onto the main trail and walk to the aid station. In total, this walk will not take you more than 10 minutes.
Google Maps actual location of aid station:
Additional detail can be found HERE:
Report To:
Aid Station Captain – Doug Kleemeier
Aid Station 1 & 2 will be positioned at the “entrance” into the Back 40 Loop (aka Trout Brook), Immediately after the long gravel downhill. Position the aid station in the middle of the 4 way intersection to separate incoming runners from outgoing runners.
Work the aid station. See AID STATION 101 if you have questions.
Your t-shirt / hat (current year’s giveaway) will be in the aid station bins, be sure to grab yours. There is no bathroom at / near Aid Station 1/2. Bring things that will help you be comfortable throughout your shift i.e.; bug spray, sun screen, rain gear, a snack, etc. You are welcome to help yourself to food and beverages at the aid station. Please join us after your shift for pizza at the finish.
Aid Station 3 / 4
Start: 5:45 AM, AS Setup by: 6:40 AM, First Runner: 7:10 AM, Finish: 3:15 PM
Important: Note that the aid station open and close times listed below are projections based on current course record times. Allow enough time to walk into the aid station and get fully set up before the first runner(s) arrive.
Google Maps driving directions to Aid Station 3/4 parking:
Take 70th Street to the intersection where you can either enter the state park or go into Afton Alps Ski area. Follow the road into Afton Alps and down the long hill into the ski area. Once at the bottom of the hill follow the road and signs all the way back to the Meadows Chalet and park. Walk into the aid station which is at Afton State Park map intersection ‘R’. In total, this walk will not take you more than 10 minutes.
Google Maps actual location of aid station:
Report To:
Aid Station Captain – Matt McCarty
The first time runners encounter this aid station it is considered Aid Station 3. After leaving AS 3 runners climb out of the valley via the very long gravel hill, then loop around and come back down via the North Hill, loop under the bridge, climb to Campround, run down Campground Hill for their second trip to the aid station (AS 4). Runners then proceed south on the rail trail following the river to Meat Grinder Hill.
Work the aid station. Read AID STATION 101 if you have questions
Your t-shirt / hat (current year’s giveaway) will be in the aid station bins, be sure to grab yours. There are bathrooms near Aid Station 3/4. Bring things that will help you be comfortable throughout your shift i.e.; bug spray, sun screen, rain gear, a snack, etc. You are welcome to help yourself to food and beverages at the aid station. Please join us after your shift for pizza at the finish.
Aid Station 5
Start: 6:45 AM, AS Setup by: 7:30 AM, First Runner, 7:50 AM, Finish: 4:30 PM
Important: Note that the aid station open and close times listed below are projections based on current course record times. Allow enough time to get fully set up before the first runner(s) arrive.
The aid station is in front of the Big Bluestem camper cabin.
Google Maps driving directions to Aid Station 5 parking:
Once you enter the state park, note your odometer as soon as you pass the upper state park building / guard shack, the turn to the group camps, and camper cabins will be 1.5 miles on your right.
More Info HERE: See Map HERE
Report To:
Aid Station Captain – Jeff Miller
Following the rail trail / river south from aid station 4 runners take a hard right at Meatgrinder Hill and climb out of the valley. Shortly after reaching the top of the hill runners will arrive at aid station 5.
Work the aid station – read AID STATION 101 if you have questions.
Your t-shirt / hat (current year’s giveaway) will be in the aid station bins, be sure to grab yours. There are bathrooms near Aid Station 5. Bring things that will help you be comfortable throughout your shift i.e.; bug spray, sun screen, rain gear, a snack, etc. You are welcome to help yourself to food and beverages at the aid station. Since Aid Station 5 goes so late in the day, we will deliver pizza to the aid station sometime in the early afternoon.
Aid Station 6
Start: 7:30 AM, AS Setup by: 7:50 AM, Finish: 11:00 PM
Important: Note that the aid station open and close times listed below are projections based on current course record times. Allow enough time to get fully set up before the first runner(s) arrive.
Report To:
Aid Station Captain: Kelly Mortenson
Google Maps driving directions to Aid Station 6 parking:
Aid Station 6 is at the race Start / Finish area. Volunteers will park in the main Afton State Park parking lots adjacent to this area.
Google Maps location of aid station:
More detail HERE:
The start finish area serves as the halfway point for the 50K runners. This is a full aid station, however many of the runners have drop bags with their own aid items. Aid station closes when the last 50K runners are through. Leftover aid items are put in the finish line / food tent to get used up. There is a cutoff at this aid station – 50K runners must start their 2nd loop of the course by 10:30AM
Work the aid station. Read AID STATION 101 if you have questions.
Your t-shirt / hat (current year’s giveaway) will be in the aid station bins, be sure to grab yours. There are bathrooms near Aid Station 6. Bring things that will help you be comfortable throughout your shift i.e.; bug spray, sun screen, rain gear, a snack, etc. You are welcome to help yourself to food and beverages at the aid station. Please join us after your shift for pizza at the finish.
Bag Drop
Start: 4:45 AM, Finish: 4:00 PM
* Volunteers may be assigned the entire duration or a shift within the overall duration. Those helping with merchandise can cover the last couple of hours.
Driving Directions:
Park in main Afton State Park parking lots adjacent to the start / finish area.
Check-In, Start, Finish Area Detail:
Report To:
Cheri Storkamp or John Storkamp
Those runners parking in the overflow parking area at Afton Alps will walk up to 15 minutes to the race start / finish area and may not have time to or choose to return to their vehicles before the start of the race. Runners will need a place to securely store their giveaway item, warmup clothes, etc. Volunteers will accept warmup-drop-bags from runners, will label using provided tags with the runners race number and will organize and store drop bags numerically. When runners are done, they will pick up their bags from the same location.
Course Marking
The majority of trail marking will take place on the Thursday before the race. Trail marking is performed by a core group of volunteers (which you are welcome to become a part of) that marks trail year to year / on a consistent basis – the reason being that this is such an important and technical job that we require volunteers to make a multi-year commitment to learn trail marking. A well marked trail is the hallmark of our event. Please drop us an email if you are interested in learning and making a multi-year commitment.
Course Marshal
Start: 6:30 AM Finish: 11:00 AM
Google Maps driving directions:
Park in the main Afton Alps parking lots adjacent to the Start / Finish area. It is about a 1 mile walk to the volunteer location.
Report To:
Race Director John Storkamp by 5:45AM for a quick tour / run-through of what is entailed.
Direct traffic / keep an eye on intersection and small stretch of two way traffic. This is also a decent place to snap pictures.
Fairly stationary job in the woods, consider bringing water, a snack, a chair and bug spray / bug protection. Please come to the finish for pizza after your shift.
Course Sweeping
Meet by: 9:45AM, Start: 10:30 AM, Finish: 4:30+
Report To:
Sweeping Coordinator Todd Rowe
Google Maps driving directions to parking:
Sweepers start at Aid Station 6 / the race Start / Finish area. Volunteers will park in the main Afton State Park parking lots adjacent to this area.
Google Maps location of aid station:
More detail HERE:
Course sweepers will begin taking down the course from Aid Station 6 / the 25KM point at 10:30AM / 4 hours elapsed time for the 50K – once they have been released by the race director.
Course sweeps follow the last runner at a respectful / out of site distance; picking up flags and arrows, looking for runners in distress, and picking up any garbage (from the race, or otherwise). Course sweepers should be very fit and able to cover the 25KM course without issue. Sweepers will be hiking, not running. The sweeping team should always stay together / never split up, unless in the event of an emergency where splitting up is warranted and carefully coordinated. Carrying a small pack to stash marking arrows, or an excess of markers is suggested. Plan to be out for an extended duration (you can look at previous years results to get an idea of the finish time of the last runner). Bring water and some calories. Carrying a basic first aid kit is advised. Sweepers may want to wear a pair of work gloves as the fiberglass markers can give fiberglass slivers (never rub your hands up and down the markers – you will get slivers).
Course sweeping is reserved for those that are interested / willing to make a multi-year commitment to the task as it is imperative that we have highly-skilled sweepers. If you are interested in making this commitment please contact us via email before signing up and requesting to be a course sweeper.
Start: 4:45 AM, Finish: 8:30 AM
Check-In / Start / Finish area.
Driving Directions:
Parking: Park in main Afton State Park parking lots.
Check-In, Start, Finish Area Detail:
Report To:
Cheri Storkamp
• Look runners name up on list, check them in / put check mark next to their name on the list and give them their bib number.
• Help answer runners questions.
• Help pack up Check-In and reconfigure area.
Detailed Parking Assignments:
The following link contains the specific assignments for parking volunteers:
THIS is also a helpful resource / visulaization:
Where and When to Report:
Afton State Park Volunteers
Start: 4:45 AM, Finish: 7:30 AM
Report to Roberty Litchy & Bill Pomerenke at race trailer in parking lot adjacent to start / finish area
Receive briefing from leads, assigned vests, flags and radios (State Park Lots on Channel 1)
Afton Alps Volunteers
Start: 5:15 AM, Finish: 7:30 AM
Report to Steve Campbell & Deb Campbell in front of Meadows Chalet
Receive briefing from leads, assigned vests, flags and radios (Afton Alps Lots on Channel 2)
Afton State Park / Afton Alps Intersection Volunteers
Start: 4:45 AM, Finish: 8:30 AM +
Gene Groebner, Robbie Skantz, Tracy Roloff
Vests, flags and radios (Use Two Radios with Channels 1 & 2 + cell communications with State Park and Afton Alps leads.
Parking Rovers / Supervision:
Start: 4:45 AM, Finish: 7:30 AM +
Scott Radke & Matthew Van Donsel
Scott spent time with RD John on Friday and know most current information / details related to parking
* A small handful of individuals will also be assigned later than 7:30AM as we hand off parking to Afton State Park staff.
* I will be sharing the cell phone numbers of the ‘leads’ via email.
Responsibilities & Additional Notes:
• Most of the parking volunteers helping at Afton Alps are assigned to Aid Station 1/2 or Aid Station 3/4 after they get done with parking. You can / should park your own cars in the following location and walk into your aid station from there. Aid Station 1/2 | Aid Station 3/4
• If you have been assigned to start at 4:45AM you will want to bring a headlamp or a flashlight as it will still be dark.
• Parking volunteers will work together to fill one lot / area at a time with as many cars possible (parking cars as close together as safe / possible – tighter than the lines or bumpers delineate).
• Approximately 75 spots should be held back at Afton State Park for non-race-related day users.
• Once the Afton Alps lots are full (less the spots held back), Afton Alps parking lead(s) should call or radio the volunteers working at the park entrance. Those volunteers should then start diverting race related traffic to Afton Alps overflow parking.
• Overflow parking at Afton Alps is only for people associated with the race; i.e. runners, crew, spectators – we do not want general public / non-race related users parking at Afton Alps.
• Those working at the park entrance may need to have conversations with some motorists once we start diverting race traffic into Afton Alps. If a motorist / group is not with the race, they should be allowed into the state park to park in one of the spots held back for non-race-related day users. If a runner wants to be dropped off at the state park and the vehicle is either leaving or going to park in the overflow parking, the vehicle should be allowed in. If the vehicle has crew or spectators with a state issued Disability Parking Certificate, they should also be allowed into the state park.
• Afton State Park parking volunteers, if when parking has subsided in the Afton Alps lots (because cars are being diverted to Afton Alps) you may spread out along the path that runners walk up from Afton Alps to Afton State Park at key intersections to help guide runners up, answer questions, etc. This is optional since the route that they are to walk are clearly marked with THESE markings
Below is a copy of the information which is provided to racers regarding parking:
Parking is limited, please carpool. There is no parking allowed on the side of road at Afton State Park, parking must be in designated spaces only. A significant block of spaces within the state park will be saved for non-race related park users. Parking within Afton State Park will be on a first come, first served basis for racers. Most, but not all 50K runners will be able to park at Afton State Park. Once all of the allotted parking spots for the trail run within the State Park have been filled, racers will be directed by a flagger, posted near the entrance of the park, to enter Afton Alps Ski Area via Peller Ave South. All 25K runners should plan to park at Afton Alps. You will follow signage and flaggers to the Afton Alps Meadows Chalet parking lot. After you park, signage and yellow pin-flags will direct you on the 2/3 to 1 mile walk up to Runner Check-In / Start / Finish Area. Allow at least 15 to 20 minutes to walk from the overflow parking at Afton Alps to the race start. 25K runners should be parked and walking up to the race start absolutely no later than 6:30AM. There will be a warm-ups drop-off area where you can drop a bag of belongings so you do not have to return to your your vehicle before the start of the race. You need to supply your own weatherproof bag. Alternatively, runners may be dropped off at the start area. Arrive early, we will start the races on time, 50K 6:30AM | 25K 7:30AM.
Final Clean-Up
Start: 1:30 PM Finish: 5:00 PM / End
* A handful of individuals will start on Final Clean-Up tasks as early as 1:30. Others starting around 3:00, with the majority of the work happening between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM / after the last runner finishes.
Google Maps driving directions:
Volunteers will park in the main Afton State Park parking lots adjacent to the race start / finish area.
Report To:
Race Director John Storkamp and / or Cheri Storkamp
Help cleanup and put race equipment back into trucks and trailers at the end of the race.
By the end of the day most of our volunteers are getting pretty tired since most volunteers started very early in the morning. We like to have a handful of “fresh” volunteers come in towards the end of the day to help with this critical / important task! Please note that job entails a fair amount of lifting.
Finish Area
Start: 9:00 AM, Finish: End
Google Maps driving directions:
Volunteers will park in the main Afton State Park parking lots adjacent to the check-in, start, finish area.
More detail HERE:
Report To:
Cheri Storkamp
Help with the post race picnic keeping food and beverages stocked, serving runners, emptying garbage and recycling and keeping things tidy. Specific / (pre)trained individuals will be designated as “pizza chef(s)”
Finish Line
The direct link to this content is
Start: 8:30 AM (first finisher expected as early as 9:00AM, see below for more info.)
Finish: 4:30 PM
Google Maps driving directions to Aid Station 6 parking:
Volunteers will park in the main Afton State Park parking lots adjacent to the check-in, start, finish area.
More detail HERE:
Work the Afton Trail Run 25K & 50K finish line.
• First runner expected will be in the 25K. The current course record is held by Tyler Jermann, from 2022, with a time of 1:31:19, time of day 9:01 AM.
• Hand runners a finishers medal when the cross the finish line.
• Interface with timers, offering them assistance if they ask for it.
• Assist runners once they cross the finish line, helping wobbly runners off of their feet, offer water, soda or snacks as needed.
• Keep an eye out for runners in duress – interface with medical volunteers if needed.
• Be available to answer runner questions.
• Cheer and keep the vibe high!
Start 4:45 AM, Finish: 5:00 PM
If you are assigned to this position you are not assigned to any one task. You will assist John and/or Cheri throughout the day.
Friday Setup
Fri 11:00AM – Friday 3:00PM
Google Maps driving directions:
Volunteers will park in the main Afton State Park parking lots adjacent to the check-in, start, finish area.
More detail HERE:
Report To:
Race Director John Storkamp
Help setup for packet pickup, the start / finish area and the aid stations on the Friday / one day before the race.
HAM Radio
Portions of the park have little or no cell phone reception so we rely on a dedicated group of amateur / HAM Radio operators to provide communications for the event. If you are a licensed HAM Radio Operator and would like to volunteer in that capacity there will be a spot on the form to indicate as much.
Primary medical and emergency support is provided by the local authorities having jurisdiction including Hastings Fire and Rescue / EMTs and Lower St. Croix Valley Fire and Rescue with the primary hospital being Hastings Aliina / Regina Hospital in Hastings, MN. We do like to identify any volunteers who are also medical professionals who would be willing to offer assistance in a good samaritan capacity in the event of a medical emergency until emergency services arrive on scene. If you are interested in volunteering and are a medical professional there will be a spot on the Volunteer Signup Form to indicate as much.
5:30 AM to Finish:
We are always looking for above average, semi-professional and professional volunteer photographers to provide coverage for the event – if you would like to volunteer as a photographer please indicate as much when you sign up. Photographers will either be mobile / on course choosing their own spots to take pictures or stationed at the finish line. You can work the entire duration of the event or just a handful of hours.
Sunday Cleanup
What, When, Where?
Help clean and put away all of the race gear at the race directors home on Sunday / one day after the race. We typically start at 9AM and are done by 3PM – if you sign up for this job we will email you directions and additional details the week of the race.