Date: Wednesday June 2th, 2013
Subject: Afton Trail Run Volunteer Email 1 2013
Afton Trail Run Volunteer Team,
First off, we want to thank all of you for your willingness to volunteer at this years race – we could never put on a race of this magnitude without the help of volunteers like you. We are super excited to have a great field of nearly 600 runners and about 100 volunteers to help out on race day.
The race is coming up quick (Saturday July 6th) and volunteer positions are being finalized – there could still be a few tweaks here or there before race day but the assignments that you have been seeing on the website are pretty much dialed in now Be sure to sort the list on the volunteer assignments page by name as many of you have more than one position and also by position so you know who you are working with. As always, when managing so many people it is inevitable that we will make a mistake or two with scheduling, so if there is a problem or conflict please let us know. As a rule if you did not provide a finish time or number of hours you are available to work, we assumed that you are in to the bitter end, if this is not the case, again, please let us know! Conversely, if you want to do more, comer earlier, stay later or come Friday (and you have not been assigned to do so) we will not turn you down!
Please be sure to use the website as a resource to familiarize yourself with where you are going, what your doing, whats involved etc. A list of volunteer jobs (what they entail, where to go and when) can be found HERE Be sure to learn everything you can about the race from the website so you can be a resource for runners, spectators and fellow volunteers on race day. Aid station volunteers, if you have never worked an aid station before, this might be helpful
If you do not have a state park pass, just come in and park, the state park counts cars and we pay for all those without stickers. Your aid station captain or position leader will be given your shirts to hand out to you, if for some reason you don’t see yours, please be sure to find us so we can get one for you. Once your aid station or position is done, please be sure to come to the finish area and have something to eat at the post-race-picnic – (those at Aid Station 5, we will send something out to you as you will be there until the very end.)
Again, thank you, and please let us know if you have any questions – we look forward to seeing all of you on Saturday July 6th at the Afton Trail Run.
Thank You,
John Storkamp
Race Director
Afton Trail Run