Photo Credit Scott Rokis
Dear Friends,
So many of you have moved beyond volunteer status over the years. Stakeholder, partners, members – no matter how I try to frame it for you, please know that you are FOUNDATIONAL to our trail running community and to our events success. Each year the Afton Trail Run, this quiet little magnet, tucked in our humble little pocket of the St. Croix River Valley, draws runners from multiple countries, 30 states and hundreds of Minnesota cities. This is done without promotion or advertising, instead, on the reputation and experience of home and hospitality that you help to create and continue to foster year after year. These events bring so much joy and enrich the spirit of so many. It is good medicine and you are doing great work. For our friends captaining and working the aid stations, I am sorry that I am unable to get out to see you during Afton, there is just enough to continue to orchestrate from the start / finish area throughout the day that Cheri and I stay planted there as a result. That said, I know we are in good hands out there with our aid station captains and volunteers, so please consider it a vote of confidence. Again I cannot thank you all enough for your the time you give, and the intention and care with which you give it. As always, if you need different, more or better support from Cheri and I, to enable the work you do, please reach out. I look forward to seeing many of you at other upcoming summer trail races (I will be out running a couple myself) or at a minimum will catch many of you at Superior this fall. We feel honored getting to do this important work alongside you.
I encourage you check out the full event recap HERE
Thank you all, for everything. As always, please reach out if you need anything.
John Storkamp
Race Director
Afton Trail Run
Photo Credit Scott Rokis
Photo Credit Cary Johnson
Photo Credit Bill Kelley
Photo Credit Scott Rokis
Photo Credit Cary Johnson
Photo Credit Mike Wheeler
Photo Credit Mike Wheeler