Afton Trail Run Volunteer Email 1 2016

Hi All!

You are receiving this email for one of the following reasons:
• You have already signed up to volunteer for the 2015 Afton Trail Run on Saturday July 2nd, 2016 (no need to sign up again if you already have!)
• You have told me you plan on volunteering and have not yet signed up.
• You helped last year or several of the past years and we want you back!
If you would like to volunteer again this year it is really helpful for us if you give us all your information and availability by signing up HERE – this helps us to stay as organized as possible and keep us up to date on all your current information.  Once we have a critical mass of people signed up to help we will start making volunteer assignments – it is a dynamic list so please check back a few times but it should be pretty well set by about 10 days out.
In the meantime should have have any specific questions for me, please do not hesitate to reach out – also, the website is a great resource for everything Afton volunteering related!
Thanks again for all of your support!  Our event not only gives runners an opportunity to participate in a great event, we make an annual contribution to Afton State Park to help preserve a natural treasure of the St. Croix River Valley!  Stay tuned for additional emails in the coming weeks!

Thank You,
John Storkamp
Race Director
[email protected]